We are scientists developing new approaches to address the big problem of antibiotic resistance.

Four Fundamental Questions Motivate Us

  1. How can we slow, and ultimately reverse, antibiotic resistance?
  2. Can we learn to interpret microbial communication within communties?
  3. How can we decipher the information contained in millions of microbial genomes?
  4. How do we develop optimal strategies for treating infectious diseases in the clinic?
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We spend our time looking for answers. Discovery requires the development of new physical tools, new software tools, or new methodologies to answer questions. We experiment in both wet and dry labs. We look for synergy in science. The thread that connects all of our projects is described by our mission statement:

“Advance medicine by developing innovative solutions to the problem of antibiotic resistance.”

Ultimately, our work will coalesce into a workflow that will go from lab bench to computational analysis to the clinic. We look forward to quickly and efficiently developing new pathways to solve antibiotic resistance.

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Our lab believes it is possible to solve big problems like antibiotic resistance. Tackling big problems requires understanding the whole system as much as any single part. For this reason, we pride ourselves with being interdisciplinary – everyone in the lab learns how to pipette and how to program. We study all aspects of antibiotics: from how antibiotics are used in the clinic, to how antibiotic resistant pathogens emerge, and how natural antibiotic producers wield their arsenal. We focus on applying what we learn to invent new techniques that bring us closer to addressing antibiotic resistance.

Publications and Lab News

AugUst 2024

Vancomycin Resistance and S. aureus evolution.

Applications of ML on ​EHR Data to Combat ​AMR.

AugUst 2024

July 202​4

Erik and Aidan attended 2 ​conferences in July.


The Wright Lab currently consists of (L-R):

Dr. Erik Wright

Aidan Lakshman

Shu-Ting Cho

Nishant Panicker

Dr. Nick Cooley

Dr. Monica Tomaszewski

Sam Blechman

Shania Khatri (not shown)

Contact Us


437 Bridgeside Point II

450 Technology Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Department of Biomedical Informatics

University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine
