Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

June 2024

Lab braves record heat for a ​hike

A mid-week university holiday inspired ​the lab to get out of the lab and go ​hiking.

Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

May 2024

Aidan Wins a Best Poster Award

Aidan presented his work developing EcoWeaver at RECOMB2024. Congrats to Aidan.

Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

May 2024


A new version of DECIPHER has been released through Bioconductor!

Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

APR 2024

Biostrings Grant

Aidan was awarded a grant to enhance and improve BioStrings!

Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

Feb 2024

Big Data @ GLBio24

With this year’s conference being in Pittsburgh, it only made sense to throw our hat in for running a session! Please join us in May for “Scalable Analysis for Big Biological Data”.

Scan the QR code for more information.

Newspaper page with classified adverts on

Jan 2024

Wright Lab in Numbers

In homage to the Google Zeitgeist, we calculated our lab stats for 2023.

Daily Extra! Newspaper Headline on White Background

Sept 2024

Lab Outing

After much jockeying for a date, the students went for a lab outing that involved bowling, karaoke, and a slide! Much fun was had at Pins in South Side Works.

Many congratulations to Shu-Ting and Aidan for winning their respective bowling groups.

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AUG 2024

DBMI Retreat

The Wright Lab attended the Department of Biomedical Informatics yearly retreat on August 24, 2023.

This year's retreat featured Dr. Brian Chapman and Dr. Wendy Chapman, giving their talks "The Informatics Rebellion and the Patient Experience", and "Addressing the Translational Gap for Digital Health Innovation: An Australian Experience", respectively. Both of which were well received.

Representing the Wright Lab, Aidan Lakshman, presented his poster "ProtWeaver: Gene Functional Inference at Scale". Congratulations Aidan for doing such a great job!.

Est. 2017

Contact Us


437 Bridgeside Point II

450 Technology Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Department of Biomedical Informatics

University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine
